A current student of mine was in the midst of a mock exam, and I suddenly got a text from him: “Hey Jim – what do you recommend I do for my CFA exam lunch break?”
I don’t get this question a lot but there are three simple things one should focus on during their CFA exam lunch break.
1. Don’t Go “Hangry” on Your CFA Exam Lunch Break
First and foremost, make sure you eat something. In another post, I mention the importance of food. You should for sure have eaten breakfast the morning of the exam, but if not, definitely DO NOT skip lunch. A hungry brain, is a poor functioning brain on average. As soon as the first half of the exam is done, go straight to a pre-determined lunch place. Make sure to avoid anything that might upset your stomach. Keep it simple. Once you’ve eaten, it’s time to make your lunch hour as efficient as possible.
2. If You’re Going to Study on Your CFA Exam Lunch Break, Study Smart
While it might be nice to give yourself a break with some meditation, or just sitting in silence for a few minutes, some extra studying can be helpful. Specifically, try to think about what you have seen already on the exam from the first half. Next, review any major sections that you haven’t yet seen that you expect to be on the exam for the afternoon session. Consider the major sections (Inventory, Depreciation, or Financial Ratios in the FR&A section), and study anything you haven’t seen and are SURPRISED you haven’t yet seen. Chances are it’ll show up in the second half of the exam. Lastly, make sure to review anything where you are a little weak, or prone to forget. For the CFA exam, if you haven’t seen anything on Derivatives you can bet there will be some coming up. The smaller sections of the exam, might not show up on one whole half of the exam. With the CFA exam pass rate so low, it might be wise to study as much as you can!
3. Getting Back Early
Return to the exam center well ahead of time. For the CFA exam, you need to be there 30 minutes before the afternoon session resumes. Don’t get yourself into a situation where you need to race back.
Your CFA exam lunch break is meant to give your mind a recharge. Use it for some quick review and try to stay as relaxed as possible. It’s easier said than done of course. Don’t spend too much time agonizing over, and reviewing, questions you couldn’t figure out from the first half. Keep moving forward and think back to the important tips and tricks offered by your CFA tutor.
The second half of the exam will be over before you know it!