What could be more important in the exam process than your CFA, or Series 7 tutors?
In this blog post I cover one of the most overlooked parts of the entire exam prep process: Exam day.
Focus on What’s Important
Let’s face it, the Series 7 exam is hard, and the CFA exams are arguably harder. The last thing you want to do is to spend weeks, and/or months, preparing for either, only to walk out feeling like you failed.
For this reason, it’s more important than anything that you approach your exam day with the right strategy. One of the simplest strategies to implement is the right frame of mind. Since this is mostly in your control, do whatever you can to make sure that you go into the test calm, hydrated, well-fed, and rested.
Sure, you’ll hear stories of test takers going in hung-over, sick, or after “all-nighters” and still passing. But, are those the exceptions, or the rule?
Don’t try to be a hero (or a test-taking-legend among your friends). Aim go into the exam feeling your best self. Anxiety might be hard to avoid after all of your studying but there are things you can control (e.g., food, bed time, commute, punctuality, etc.).
If You’re “Hangry” and You Know It…
Your hunger level going into the exam is totally up to you! Make sure to get a full breakfast before you start your morning session. To ensure that I won’t get hungry halfway through the test I bring some boiled eggs and toast with me to the exam and then scarf them down 45 minutes before the test begins. This guarantees that I’ll be sharp (and not hungry) for at least the first couple hours.
Daniel Kahneman, Nobel laureate and author, noted in his book “Thinking Fast, and Slow” that our glucose levels can significantly impact the adroitness of analytical abilities. Prolonged analytical work uses glucose, and without it, we fall into a trap of lazy thinking. In one instance Kahneman highlighted a group of judges that revert to default (“no brainer”) judgments closer to meal time. In other words, the hungrier the judges became, the less brain power was used.
Skeptical of studies generalized to real life? Ok, no problem. Try it out on yourself in a mini experiment. Notice how you score on your practice tests when you get hungry. The STC practice questions for the Series 7 or Schweser’s Q-Bank for the CFA exam offer great tracking tools to help you keep score.
Control What You Can
Our CFA exam, and Series 7 tutors can help you learn a ton! But, when it comes down to exam day make sure to control what you can. Getting sleep, catching the train 30 minutes ahead of schedule, and taking a day or two off before the exam are all ways to help you ensure the right mental state.
Furthermore, be good to your body! Feed yourself well before the exam and you’ll do great!