In recent months, we’ve heard from multiple sources that series 86 exam conceptual questions are a very large share of the exam. While some expect this to make things easier on the exam, it’s had the opposite effect.
Series 86 Exam Conceptual Questions: Current Events and More
Current event questions have become increasingly common on the exam. Although they may not seem totally related to the content, you can usually point back to certain sections of the textbook that cover the general concept from the topical question.
For instance a question about student debt relief would be an example of a subsidy, whereas a war among major energy producers could be seen as an external supply shock.
In either case there is no math and minimal analysis. But you must understand how the exam wants you to answer concepts such as these.
How to Study for Conceptual Questions
To prepare for conceptual questions we recommend that you thoroughly understand the text and certainly read it (unless you have deep experience in capital markets and/or economics).
Next, we highly recommend that you practice as many STC questions as you can. While many are math related and analytical there are plenty that involve concepts likely to show up.
As a compliment to your process we also highly suggest a Series 86 tutor. Of course we are bias in our selection 🙂
A competent tutor will understand the newer exam and have some insight into potential questions. This type of practice can also be essential in understanding questions and answers. Focusing solely on STC practice questions as of this writing is often not sufficient to passing unless your practice scores are well in excess of 85%.
Overall, plenty of test takers get over this hump without a tutor. However, you can certainly accelerate your progress if you get one. If you need one feel free to reach out. Good luck studying in the meantime!