SIE Exam Study Notes

 Don’t have your own SIE exam study notes? No problem! After years of tutoring, I have compiled enough notes to provide you with an abridged version of much of what you will see in the standard textbooks. Specifically I include some of the more challenging concepts in simplified language to help you get through the complexities of learning a new subject. For now, we offer notes on the Options section, since it gives the most trouble to students. More coming soon!

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Our SIE Exam Study Notes have been carefully compiled, and meticulously crafted. We have condensed the most challenging aspects of each topic into easy-to-read, digestible, study notes. The SIE Exam Study Notes have been aggregated from hours of tutoring, and learning from students what explanations really work. We hope to make them affordable to all that need the help.

We have started with the Options section, and plan to bring many more by the New Year. Please enjoy these SIE Exam Study Notes!

Set up your first tutoring session or talk to one of our advisors.

What You Get With Our SIE Exam Study Notes

Most students get their study material from STC or Knopman. While both are highly reputable educational services, nothing beats having your own condensed notes to help streamline wordy textbooks. When you're on the go, and you barely have enough time to study, a summary of the texts would be helpful. That's where we come in. From years of tutoring, Professional Exam Tutoring has compiled notes by topic to cheaply sell to all that want some help studying.


Simplified Language:

To minimize complexity, we use straightforward language in our notes. We define most terms before using them, while at the same time avoid notes on fairly simplistic concepts. Our goal is to save you time. We know you will be able to understand some of the easier content, so we break down what we believe is the harder material. This material we summarize into bite size pieces to help accelerate your comprehension.


Notes By Topic:

We know that some students are stronger in certain topics than others. Therefore, different students will likely need different topics on which to focus. Thus, we sell our notes individually to make sure that you don't pay for what you don't need. We have started out with Options (our most popular request!), and plan to roll out more Options, Fixed Income, and Municipals next. Be sure to test your knowledge by doing practice questions after each review of the notes.


Access to Expertly Organized Notes:

The notes offered here are the notes that we use in our Premium Tutoring sessions. Aside from customized tutoring sessions, the notes we use for students have been tailored by topic to simplify complex topics. As a result of years of experience in the financial services industry, we have seen first-hand what works and what doesn't when breaking down concepts. Our SIE exam study notes can help illuminate what many texts have a hard time getting across to students from all different education levels.


Help, if You Need It:

As soon as you buy our SIE exam study note, we provide you with direct access to our tutoring support services. These services provide you with direct access to one or more of our tutors on a weekly basis. For instance, if you need one-off questions answered but don't want to pay for a whole hour of tutoring, then you can't beat this service. With the purchase of the SIE exam study notes, you get one week of free access to our tutoring support services.